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Join our rebellion against bad customer service!

Have you noticed that customer service isn’t what it used to be?

Are you tired and frustrated by customer service phone numbers that go directly to an overseas call center where you press 2 for this, and 3 for that, with NO human beings ever available? Or worse yet, the company doesn’t even post their phone -- all inquiries must be via email? Or the absolute worst: the dreaded artificial intelligence chat bot “expert” that tries to guess who or what you want. 

Well, we have good news for you!

At Commander you’re not an interruption to our work, you ARE the purpose of our work. In fact, we love when you call us or stop in to visit. Every single customer is important to us. Here, you are not a number, but a real person with a name. We are truly grateful when you give us the opportunity to be your trusted printer.

So please…go ahead and call us during our office hours at 805-988-5880 or 800-722-3676. 

Somebody nice will actually answer.

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