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Postcards with Pizzazz!

Postcards are a marketer's dream! They are an inexpensive and effective way to reach your audience. These targeted marketing pieces are perfect for introducing new products, announcing upcoming events, or keeping in touch with customers on a regular basis.

Another advantage of the postcard is its 100% open rate. It’s very easy to get somebody to open and read it because it’s already opened!

The postcard also is effective in driving prospects online or to a telephone number. You’re not so much trying to necessarily sell your product or service on a postcard, but you are trying to convey just enough information so somebody will call, visit a store, go to a website and make that next step so a transaction will take place.

Remember, Bigger Formats Work Better
Grab attention and stand out from the crowd by using square or larger-sized postcards (extra postage required). Instead of a standard 4.25˝ x 6˝ try a bigger 6˝ x 9˝ format, which traditionally pulls a higher response. The extra postage can be absorbed by sending the larger card at a bulk rate, not a First Class rate.

Personalize Whenever Possible
Every postcard should be personalized if possible, regardless of who it’s going to. With postcards, it’s very easy to create two or three different versions of the postcard that would be more attractive to a different age range, income range, gender, family status, etc. One design might not fit all.

Keep the Copy Simple
With postcards, be specific: capture their attention, tell them the benefits of doing business with you and then tell them how to do business with you.

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