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How Can Your Company Use Promotional Products?

For Marketing and Sales:
•  Foster good will and retain customers with business gifts
• To entice new customers
• To create brand awareness or introduce a new product or service
• To generate customer referrals
• To increase response rates of surveys and marketing research
• For grand openings
• As a point-of-purchase incentive
• To bump up the response rate on your next direct mail campaign
• To build targeted trade show traffic

To Motivate, Educate, and Recognize:
• For internal incentive programs (sales or performance rewards)
• For employee safety education programs
• For dealer or distributor motivation programs
• For employee productivity programs to improve attendance, product quality, etc.
• To reward long-term valued employees
• For employee birthday programs

For Meetings and Events:
• For corporate parties and events
• For conferences and seminars
• For sales meetings

Other Uses:
• For golf/tennis tournament prizes
• To announce a name change, logo change, or a merger/acquisition
• To advertise a new address, phone number, or website

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